‘For Valletta Stowaway, (a fiery, busy little mouse who squeaks her mind), it’s an extremely dangerous and difficult year. But, surprisingly, extraordinary and good things happen too…’
This is from the back cover of ‘Valletta and the Year of Changes’. I don’t have an exact publication date yet but it’s looking like 14th or 21st June. The book is written and edited, the cover and illustrations are all agreed. It’s just down to the illustrations being completed, scanned and sent to the publisher, and then all the technical printing wizardry happening…
It’s the first time I’ve written for children, apart from a couple of poems. This started as a little story and, before I knew it, it had turned into a 20,000 word young children’s novel. It’s being published in Dorset by Pretty Pug Publishing and my illustrator is a very talented artist from Carmarthenshire, Cerys Susannah Rees.
Pre-orders will shortly be available from www.prettypug.co.uk or email pugtastic@prettypug.co.uk from now . I’m currently talking to Wales-based outlets so will have a list together soon of where you can buy the book (£7.99 per copy, plus postage if you buy online). If you live locally to me, I will have a few copies to sell from Ceridwen Centre as well. I’m also planning to do readings and signings (Covid-permitting), so again please watch this space.
Meanwhile, the Stowaway adventures continue. I’m halfway through the second book. I really do hope you enjoy reading them as much as I’m enjoying writing them!
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