by Roger Broome | Sep 11, 2023 | poemandrecording, video
Never a good idea to approach a weddingwith a hangover, before the event.There’s distant thunder, sky feathered with cloud.Vesna, at the pool bar, sports two o’clock stubble,more bristle than shadow, jet black,but her hair, rubber-banded in bunches,is the colour of...
by Roger Broome | Sep 11, 2023 | poemandrecording, video
The dining room echoes, so few of you here now.It’s barely half past ten. There’s just one familynext door in the TV and games room,a single child here, doted onby parents, grandmotherand an over-attentive waiter who dances with her. It’s music night again, with the...
by Roger Broome | Sep 11, 2023 | poemandrecording, video
Darkness over ripe Welsh meadows,las vegas, fretted by strings of fairy lights, solar, blue,along May hedges, elder-greening, blossom-bursting, by cigarette glow, by crackling and hissing of logs from the firepit –where folks huddle warmed by blankets, chat, whisky....
by Roger Broome | Sep 11, 2023 | poemandrecording, video
He loves us tender, shares that last waltz,is lonesome tonight, perhaps every night,celebrates blue skies, blue birds, bluenessover cliff and rainbow. He thinks to himselfwhat a wunnerful world it is. He croons in transatlantic, panEuropeanwith few consonants, none of...
by Roger Broome | Sep 11, 2023 | poemandrecording, video
Wow! Your fabled tail, your lustrous bustling bushy tail,it struts the questions – am I fabulous, am I fantastic?Are you hell? Now I’m in thrall to that pelt, the scrumptious sweep of your back, the swellof your russet chest rising up to that strong neck,those long...
by Simone Mansell Broome | Feb 8, 2023 | poemandrecording, video
‘First catch your hare…’those inevitable jokes about jugging,about the long slow cooking required,as I cradled him in that Laithwaite’s box,carried him home with wrap of bubbleand shredded paper for his bedding; some debate about full moon,about which night it fell...
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